Team Work + Experience = Results

10 Ways to Beat Your Criminal Charge

At Donet, McMillan & Trontz, P.A., we have handled thousands of criminal defense cases and have successfully tried hundreds of cases - all with significant results. We know what is on the line and we know how to help shift the balance of justice in your favor.

We completely understand that you may be in the midst of one of your most life-changing events, and you could be stressed about keeping your rights, your freedoms, and your honorable reputation. Let our Miami criminal defense lawyers fight for you. We have been fighting and winning for our clients for more than 50 years combined and we know how to help you move forward after any type of arrest.

How to Keep Your Arrest in the Past
- and Make it Stay in the Past
  1. Hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer or defense law firm. Some of your greatest assets after an arrest will be the constitutional rights that have been granted to you. You have the right to remain silent and you have the right to retain legal counsel. There is no better way to assert your rights than by hiring the experienced trial lawyers at DMT.
  2. Hire a criminal defense attorney whose ability has been favorably rated by other local attorneys, colleagues, or an independent, third party organization. When the stakes are high, you want to make certain that your lawyer is not skimping on delivering quality of representation. The foundation of any successful defense will rely greatly on the ability of your attorney. Looking for professional accolades can be one way to determine the capability of your lawyer. At DMT, our lawyers have been recognized by clients, professionals, and organizations alike. Not only do we have resounding satisfied client testimonials, but our firm's attorneys have been honored with the highest possible AV Preeminent® Rating by Martindale-Hubbell®.
  3. Hire an attorney who frequently practices in the court where your case is pending. You want to be represented by a legal professional who has home court advantage. By choosing DMT, you can rest assured that you are being defended by a team of trial attorneys with extensive experience in state and federal courts throughout South Florida. We know how our local courts work and we know the judges, court staff, and prosecutors.
  4. Hire a lawyer who has a proven record of success and reputation for winning cases. This may seem obvious, but hiring an attorney who is backed with a winning record can be substantial to your defense. Any type of criminal conviction could ruin your reputation and cause a downward spiral of your rights, freedoms, and interests. Though each case is different and no attorney can promise results, hiring a lawyer with a proven reputation for victory could be beneficial to you.
  5. Hire an attorney who can give you an honest opinion and fair analysis of your circumstance. As former prosecutors, we are more than capable of offering impartial legal counsel to our clients. We carefully weigh all sides of the spectrum to make fair, balanced, and effective conclusions. It is our goal to make certain that our advice puts you in the best possible position for a satisfactory outcome.
  6. Always ask about the cost of your legal fees and ask for a written contract. Attorneys have a reputation for demanding expensive legal fees and retainer costs. Don't be afraid to ask your lawyer upfront about any potential expenses. Make certain your attorney abides by the ethical code of conduct that they swore to practice under and solidify your relationship with a written contract.
  7. Trust your gut. Your choice in legal representation can have a huge impact on the rest of your life. If your attorney is trying to make a deal that sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. If you have any notion of doubt or uncertainty, trust your gut and go elsewhere for representation.
  8. Hire a lawyer who practices extensively in the area of criminal law and has experience in defending individuals in your type of case. Our legal team is proud to have decades of experience in the area of criminal law. Our level of experience has allowed us to successfully attack the underpinnings of any federal or state case. Because we have seen just how detrimental a conviction can be, we strive to protect our clients from harsh punishments under the law.
  9. Start your legal process by scheduling a consultation. The first step to any legal process will start with a consultation. Most attorneys offer a free case evaluation. We encourage our clients and potential clients to take advantage of our free, no-obligation, and completely confidential case reviews. We would be happy to meet you in-person or over the phone.
  10. Tell the whole truth of your side of the story. Telling an attorney every aspect of your situation can be the most effective way to protect yourself and beat the charges against you. It may be frightening to open up and relive the event that is causing you so much stress, but you will be protected by client-attorney privilege. Being completely truthful about every detail in your case can help establish a stronger, more compelling, and persuasive defense strategy that can beat the prosecution.
We have helped thousands of clients. Call today! Our attorneys prepare every single case thoroughly, including preparing effective counter-arguments. Because we know how prosecutors act and think, we can come to court fully prepared for you. We can successfully challenge any evidence gathered against you or question any allegations.

If you wish to learn more about our winning strategies, we encourage you to contact our firm as soon as possible and schedule your free, confidential case evaluation. Each of our attorneys can discuss your potential defenses and create a compelling case that can help reduce, acquit, or dismiss any of the charges against you.
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