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Drug sales becoming a problem at universities

December 10, 2010

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Recent reports indicate that more and more college students are selling drugs to other students to make extra money. Five Columbia University students were arrested for selling LSD to other students on campus. Most of the drug sales occurred in fraternity houses. All of the students are represented by criminal lawyers who entered not guilty pleas on their client's behalf. Other universities have had their share of bad publicity regarding students engaging in the unlawful sale of drugs. The other institutions involved include the University of Miami, Georgetown University, the University of Illinois and San Diego State University.

A University of Miami student-athlete was recently arrested for selling marijuana to an undercover officer. The Miami criminal lawyer representing the student met with prosecutors and was able to convince them to allow the defendant to enroll in the drug court program. The drug court program is a year-long and very onerous means to successfully resolve a drug possession case. Defendants are required to participate in out-patient treatment, attend narcotics anonymous sessions, provide monthly urine samples and attend court once a month for a status hearing. While difficult, the program will enable the defendant to receive a nolle pros and dismissal of the charges by the state if the program is successfully completed. The University of Miami student was exceptionally lucky to be enrolled in the program as defendants generally must be charged with drug possession rather than drug sale to participate in drug court.

At Georgetown University, 3 students turned their dorm room into a methamphetamine lab. The students were arrested and charged, while 400 innocent student had to be evacuated as the lab was causing a significant health concern. Under the laws in the District of Columbia, the defendants are facing up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. Under the laws of the State of Florida, these students would be facing significant prison time for trafficking in methamphetamines. Anyone in possession of 4 to 14 grams of the illegal substance is facing a 3 year prison sentence. Possession of 14 to 28 grams carries a seven year sentence and possession in excess of 28 grams carries a 15 year prison sentence. All drug trafficking crimes in Florida are first degree felonies punishable up to 30 years in prison.

At the University of Illinois, 21 students were arrested on charges of felony possession of marijuana and cocaine possession. At San Diego State University, 75 students were arrested with law enforcement recovering two kilos of cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, prescription medications and mushrooms. College students that are arrested for drug possession, drug sale, or drug trafficking should hire a criminal defense law firm with experience in defending narcotics offenses to defend the charges. Convictions can result in lengthy term of prison and at a minimum can destroy the lives of students as a poor result can limit their ability to obtain an education and employment in the future.

Students Arrested for Selling Drugs at Columbia University, Associated December, 9, 2010.
Categories: Drug Offenses
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