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Duo who stole jewelry from art gallery signed guestbook

October 19, 2015

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Young Man Being Handcuffed After Stealing Jewelry with a Woman in Palm Beach
It's not every day that thieves leave behind a trail leading authorities to their name and number, but a duo who recently stole jewelry at an art gallery did just that.

According to police, a man and women stole jewelry from an art gallery, but didn't leave without signing the guestbook, providing the woman's name and number.

On Sunday (Oct. 18), M. Ohara, 24, and her accomplice, D. Ziskoski, 19, were arrested by the Palm Beach Police Department.

The police said that on Sunday, the duo walked into the Attila JK exhibition at the ICFA Gallery in Palm Beach, and while there, took a ring and bracelet that belonged to the exhibition's artist and owner.

The artist said that the jewelry was on a desk in the gallery and the combined value of the items was about $6,000.

After the artist gave a description of Ohara and Ziskoski, an officer recalled seeing the pair hanging around Palm Beach. While the officer was canvassing the area, he spotted them at a Publix grocery store.

When she was confronted by the police, Ohara told them that she still had the items in her purse. She retrieved the artist's jewelry from her purse and handed them over to the police. Shortly thereafter, Ohara and Ziskoski were under arrest.
Guestbook at the GalleryWhen the officers returned to the gallery, the artist told them about something unusual that he noticed in the gallery's guestbook. Someone had written down several fake email addresses in the guestbook, including one that read "," according to the arrest report.

Two of the fake emails mentioned the name "Meg," and one of them included Ohara's phone number. Another page included a drawing of male genitalia and a woman's face with the caption, "Meg."

At Palm Beach County Jail, Ziskoski admitted to investigators that he and Ohara were responsible for the entries in the guestbook, and that they stole the jewelry.

Ohara said that if she knew the jewelry cost that much, she wouldn't have taken it, according to the report.

The duo are facing grand theft charges and were released from the Palm Beach County Jail later on Sunday, the Sun Sentinel reported.
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