How to Maintain a Clean Criminal Record after an Ultra Music Festival Arrest
April 23, 2018
DMT are a group of
Miami criminal defense attorneys that have represented dozens of individuals from Miami-Dade County and around the county that get themselves into hot water while attending the now-famous Ultra Music Festival in Miami, Florida. The concert has been held in the same location in Miami for the past 20 years. According to the Miami Police Department, only 27 felony and misdemeanor arrests in Miami were made at this year's concert series. This year's festival drew approximately 55,000 people a day.

For the past 20 years, DMT has represented individuals arrested for drug possession and drug sales. Several drugs can be found every year at Ultra, but DMT has seen mostly cocaine possession, possession of Ecstasy (or MDMA), and possession of marijuana/cannabis cases. Others have been arrested for fence jumping, which translates into a trespassing charge. Every year a few people try to sell counterfeit tickets and can be charged with fraud or theft. Sometimes fights break out due to the crowded nature of the concert, and individuals are charged with aggravated battery, simple battery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.
Whether you live in Miami or flew in for the concert, the lawyers at DMT can help defend any charges that occurred as a result of being arrested at the Ultra Music Festival. Anyone charged with one of the aforementioned charges will be eligible to post bond on the felony charges and will be entitled to a bond or possibly be released without even posting a bond on the misdemeanor cases. Once the bond is posted, the next step in the process is the arraignment, which occurs when the State decides whether or not they are filing charges. If you hire an attorney, you will not have to appear at the arraignment. If you do not hire a lawyer, then you must appear in court or the presiding judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. You can be arrested and risk being extradited back to Miami even if you return to your home state. Do not leave the county and think your legal problems will disappear, because they won't. The criminal defense lawyers at DMT will assure that you will not have bench warrant issued in your case.
Defending Your Felony or Misdemeanor Case

Let's move on to the subject of how to defend your case. The defense of the case will depend largely on whether a felony or misdemeanor is charged and the nature of the offense. Drug possession cases might seem simple, but prosecutors with offer a time served plea, which result in a criminal record or the opportunity to attend drug court for a period of one year. Our creative defense attorneys are often times able to work out alternative resolutions for clients. In some circumstances, we can get prosecutors to agree to 3 to 6 monthly drug tests. These tests can be done in court, and out-of-towners are often permitted to go to their local lab and provide the results to us. In turn, we present them to the State and/or the judge. Pre-trail diversion programs can also be made available to experienced counsel. As long as the client completes the conditions set forth by the prosecutor, all charges will be dismissed within 6 months.
If anyone from Miami or anywhere else in the United States was arrested at Ultra Music Festival, DMT is the firm you need to keep your criminal record clean. We have represented individuals from every Ultra concert that has occurred over the past 20 years. The vast majority of our clients will walk away with a clean criminal record. Once we get your case dismissed, we can expunge your record so no one will ever know that you were arrested. In fact, when filling out job applications, you can say that you have never been arrested under provisions within the Florida Statutes. It is imperative that anyone arrested at Ultra not put their head in the sand and let DMT protect your rights, as well as your clean criminal record.
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