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More miami medicare fraud arrest made

December 15, 2009

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A Miami resident was arrested by federal authorities as part of a larger law enforcement investigation encompassing 3 states. The agents anticipate making over 30 arrests in Miami, New York and Detroit by the time they are finished. Those arrested or going to be arrested were allegedly involved in a $61 million dollar edicare fraud scheme. The investigation and subsequent arrests were made by the Medicare Strike Force in conjunction with two federal agencies. The arrests come on the recent advance of those willing to participate in Medicare fraud. As posted in previous articles, curtailing Medicare fraud has become a prime objective of the federal government as they crack down on waste in light of the new healthcare overhaul plans. If anyone ever becomes involved in a healthcare fraud investigation, it is imperative to seek the representation of a Miami criminal lawyer possessing experience in this area of criminal defense.

The reported arrests come one week after the Health and Human Services Department issued a statement indicating that the United States loses about $61 billion a year to Medicare fraud and that Miami is the epicenter of the problem. The federal government has vowed to throw as much money and manpower as is required to eradicate the problem. Other than being charged with Medicare fraud, the individuals arrested will also face charges of racketeering, wire fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy charges. If convicted by plea or trial, multi-year prison sentences are likely to follow. Those who cooperate with the federal government will most likely end up in a better situation than those that choose the alternative.

Those arrested were involved with billing the Medicare program for unordered hospital equipment, unnecessary or unprovided physical therapies, false medical diagnosis such as diabetes and unneeded or unprovided HIV treatments. The scams in Detroit and New York fit the same description as those allegedly perpetrated in Miami. In Detroit, payoffs were made to patients who in exchange provided their Medicare identification numbers to receive expensive medical testing that was never provided or received. In New York, two of individuals arrested allegedly billed Medicare for unnecessary medical equipment.

As the government's involvement in abolishing Medicare fraud continues, more arrests and prosecutions will be effectuated. Have no doubt, Miami is the primary target. If you become involved in a federal or state investigation regarding Medicare fraud, it is imperative to hire a Miami criminal attorney who regularly appears in federal court defend these types of cases. Before speaking to law enforcement authorities, speak to a qualified counsel regarding your situation.

Feds Crackdown on Medicare Fraud in Miami,, December 15, 2009.
Categories: Fraud
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