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Numerous students arrested on miami weapons charges

September 18, 2009

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Several students from Miami schools were arrested on weapons possession charges. The arrests follow from the homicide committed at Coral Gables High School last week. Anthony Rodriguez, of Miami, was charged with second degree murder for his involvement in the stabbing death of another student. Currently, Rodriguez is facing charges in juvenile court, however, his case is expected to be bound up to adult felony court as soon as the investigation is complete. It is unclear at this point whether Rodriguez has retained a Miami criminal lawyer to defend his case, or whether he will be appointed a Miami criminal attorney from Public Defender's Office.

The spike in arrests on weapons at schools is not uncommon following a violent incident. Students were arrested at various Miami schools for possession of weapons. The weapons seized by the police include a loaded .38 caliber revolver, knives, a box cutter and a Taser. Most of the weapons were located based on tips provided by other students to school administrators. Experts claim that reports of increased weapons possession charges always occur after a violent school related incident.

Police officials have declared that they have not changed their practices as a result of the Coral Gables High School incident. The Miami-Dade County Schools Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, announced a community initiative program to reduce violent crimes in Miami schools. Aspects of the initiative include a weapons amnesty program, a campaign against non-violence for Miami-Dade students and a program for parents to increase their awareness of the safety needs of their children.

As for the students arrested on weapons charges following the alleged second degree murder, it is unclear whether the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office will treat these cases differently under the circumstances. The penalties that attach to the recent cases may be more onerous than usual to send a message to all Miami students that violence and possessing weapons in schools will not be tolerated. The parents and school administrators can only hope that the new initiatives will curb the rise in violent crimes committed in our schools.

6 Miami-Dade Students Arrested for Having Weapons at School, The Miami Herald, September 21, 2009.

Commitment to Ending Youth Violence in Miami-Dade Schools Renewed, The Miami Herald, September 21, 2009.
Categories: Violent Crimes
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