Client Charged in Miami Marijuana Trafficking Case Receives Credit Time Served
March 22, 2016
City of Miami narcotics detectives arrived at a house where our client resided. The police received an anonymous tip that our client was operating a grow house, where he was cultivating hundreds of marijuana plants. Several overzealous Miami police arrived brandishing weapons, while our client was working in his front yard. Rather than getting a warrant, police officers obtained consent to search from our client. The police arrested our client for trafficking in marijuana and operating a grow house.

A defense lawyer from DMT drafted a motion to suppress, as Florida case law holds that the State of Florida has to prove that the consent to search was voluntary. Arrests for operating marijuana grow houses are becoming one the most common crimes in Miami and the State of Florida. DMT has successfully convinced prosecutors to waive the minimum mandatory sentences, offer probation plea and sometimes drop the charges altogether.