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Client Facing 60 years in Miami Marijuana Trafficking Case Receives a 5 Month Sentence

March 22, 2016

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Our client was caught on audio and video surveillance in Miami trafficking in marijuana, cultivating marijuana and operating a grow house. Jurisdiction for this case fell in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida.

Marijuana trafficking
The client was caught up in a large, international marijuana and money laundering investigation spearheaded by federal agents with the DEA. The client was arrested and immediately taken into custody. The family contacted and immediately retained the Miami Criminal Defense Firm of DMT. Before the end of business the following day, the lawyers at DMT had the client out on bond. Ultimately, the exceptional work of our Miami criminal defense lawyer resulted in the client avoiding years in federal prison. The attorney negotiated the exceedingly low sentence of five months for the client.
Categories: Federal Cases
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