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Client has Miami Money Laundering Charges Dismissed

March 22, 2016

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Federal Money Laundering charges against a Broward business owner were dismissed in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida. As part of a large international money laundering sting operation, federal agents videotaped the defendant delivering over one hundred fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars in cash to an undercover agent.

Money laundry business
An Indictment was filed against the defendant; however, he was not arrested until May 2005. Through diligent case preparation and investigation, our firm with experience a in defending money laundering cases was able to establish that the delay in arresting the defendant was not attributable to him. As such, the government violated his Due Process rights. After reviewing our Motion to Dismiss, the United States Attorney's Office conceded to the motion and all of the charges were dismissed against our client.
Categories: Federal Cases
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