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DUI Charge Dismissed against Coral Gables Driver

March 22, 2016

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A City of Miami police officer reportedly observed our client operating his car in a dangerous and reckless manner. Uniform officers from the City of Miami responded and ultimately stopped the driver within the City of Coral Gables.

DUI arrest
The police reported that the driver drove his car onto a residential sidewalk and over a curb. The driver appeared incoherent. He nearly fell out of the car and had to be physically aided by police officers. Due to his physical condition, no roadside exercises were requested or performed. At the station, the driver refused to provide a breath sample (blow into the intoxilyzer). As a result, his driver's license was immediately suspended for one year.

The driver called and scheduled a free consultation with the Miami DUI lawyers at DMT. Since the driver acted quickly and retained our firm, our Miami DUI lawyers were able to represent him at the license suspension hearing with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. We won the hearing and his driver's license was reinstated. We filed a motion to dismiss the charges due to the fact that the City of Miami Police Department made an arrest outside their jurisdiction. At the trial setting, the assistant state attorney dropped the charges.
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