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Internet Crime Defense Attorneys


The Miami criminal lawyers at Donet, McMillan, & Trontz, P.A. (DMT) have defended all types of internet crimes in South Florida and Miami including child pornography, cyber stalking, and online child solicitation. The internet is a worldwide means of communication that has changed the way people purchase products, obtain services, receive education and communicate in general. The rise of the internet has also seen the rise of conduct that has deemed to be illegal.

Internet crime defense attorneys
State and federal law enforcement authorities have stepped up their efforts to investigate and prosecute all types of illegal activities conducted through the use of the internet and cyber space. The Miami internet defense lawyers at Donet, McMillan, & Trontz, P.A. have years of experience defending various internet cases. We have the knowledge and experience to successfully defend your rights regarding these types of cases.

Internet Sex Crimes

The most common types of internet sex crimes are child pornography and online child solicitation. Due to the graphic nature of these charges, a criminal conviction can land one in a state or federal prison for a very long time. Not all internet pornography is illegal. However, when electronic communications are made via the internet depicting distasteful, obscene or offensive conduct involving minors serious consequences can arise. If you are contacted by law enforcement regarding an internet sex crime, the assistance of a criminal defense attorney is absolutely essential.

Remember, if you or loved one is contacted regarding an internet sex crime, contact the Miami criminal lawyers at Donet, McMillan, & Trontz, P.A. The police only want to build a case against you. Never give consent to search your home, car, office or computer. The evidence you provide could put you in prison and brand you a sexual predator. Similarly, never provide a statement to law enforcement. It will certainly be used against you at a later time. Help DMT, help you, call us to get sound legal advice before speaking to anyone regarding allegations regarding your involvement in Miami child pornography or child solicitation investigation.

An arrest or conviction for an internet sex offense can carry serious consequences such as incarceration in the county jail or the state or federal prison system. Additionally, a person could suffer loss of employment and government benefits. The State of Florida and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) can place restrictions on your liberty (where you can live and work) and require you to register as a sexual offender or predator. Contact the preeminent legal defense team at DMT to help prevent you from being charged with or convicted of internet sexual offense.

Internet Fraud Crimes

Fraud and identity theft are the most common types of non-sexual internet crimes. Since the inception of the internet, the Miami criminal lawyers at DMT have been representing clients for these offenses throughout the South Florida area. Computer fraud arises when materially misrepresented information is disseminated over the internet with criminal intent to cause another individual to do or refrain from doing something that causes economic loss. Other types of internet fraud involves identity theft. A common offense involves using computer software to access computer networks of large retail stores to obtain credit card and debit card data which is later sold to third parties. One technique is called "war driving" which involves the use of laptop computers to obtain wireless internet signals. Once in the system, internet hackers install computer programs which hunt for and capture credit card and debit card numbers.

Internet fraud crime attorneys
As a result of the large number of cases involving internet and computer fraud, the federal government through the FBI and National White-Collar Crime Center established the Internet Crime Complaint Center to receive internet fraud complaints and refer them to the appropriate investigative agency. The creation of this new center has led to an increased number of arrests involving Miami internet fraud. If you, or loved one is contacted regarding an internet fraud crime, contact the Miami criminal lawyers at DMT before speaking to investigators.


If you are under investigation for, or have been arrested and charged with an internet crime, contact the Miami criminal lawyers at DMT. An experienced criminal attorney is available every day of the year, 24 hours a day to speak with you regarding your situation. You can call our office or reach us by completing the form on our contact us or by sending an e-mail.
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