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Refund Policy

At Donet, McMillan & Trontz, our secure online payment option is to be used to make deposits for services to be rendered and pay the final invoice for services already rendered. For the later, we provide a final invoice that will reflect any deposit made prior. In both cases, you will receive a receipt from our secure online payment system. Upon final invoicing you will also receive a subsequent receipt from our invoicing system within 48 business hours stating your invoice has been paid in full.

To use our secure online payment option you will select the option to either make a deposit or pay the final invoice. In both cases, we charge a 3.5% convenience fee. We provide alternative payment options if you wish to elude the 3.5% convenience fee. For these alternative options, please see your invoice or contact us at (305) 444-0030 or via our website at our Contact Us page.

The payments made via our secure online payment option are subject to the following refund policy:
  1. If payment was made here by mistake or if you wish to use an alternative payment method, then simply let us know by contacting us at our Contact Us page and we will issue a refund for the payment made here within 48 business hours and mark your deposit as not completed or your final invoice as still unpaid.

  2. If the payment made here was a duplicate charge to another payment form used and you wish to have the payment made here refunded then simply let us know by contacting us at our Contact Us page and we will issue a refund for the payment made here within 48 business hours.

  3. If the payment made here was for a deposit, then it can be refunded within 48 hours of the payment being made and only if it's within 72 hours of the scheduled job date.

If you have any additional questions in regards to our refund policy please feel free to contact us at (305) 444-0030, or at Contact Us page.
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