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Criminal Defense Attorneys in Miami
Criminal Defense: Our Practice Areas
David A. Donet, Jr.
David M.Trontz.
Defense For Violent Crimes in Miami
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Domestic Violence Injunctions
Donet McMillan Trontz P A
Drug Possession Charges
DUI Manslaughter
Duress or Necessity
Environmental Crimes in Florida
Extradition Attorney in Miami
Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator
Federal Drug Crimes
Federal White Collar Criminal Defense
Firearm Offenses
First Time Offenders
Florida Charges for Drug Sale or Possession With Intent to Sell
Florida Keys & Monroe County, Florida
Florida Pre-Trial Programs
Florida Robbery & Carjacking Laws
Forgery Attorney in Miami
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Larry T. McMillan.
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Medicare Medicaid Fraud
Miami and South Florida Criminal Court System
Miami Burglary Defense Attorney
Miami Credit Card Fraud Lawyers
Miami Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Miami Drug Defense Attorney
Miami DUI Defense Attorneys
Miami Expungement Lawyer
Miami Extortion Defense Lawyer
Miami Federal Defense Attorney
Miami Kidnapping Defense Lawyer
Miami Military Defense Lawyer
Miami Misdemeanor Defense Attorney
Miami Probation Violation Lawyer
Miami Prostitution Defense Attorney
Miami Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
Miami Underage DUI Defense Attorney
Miami White Collar Crimes Attorney
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Press Release:
   Donet, McMillan & Trontz P.A. Respond to Increased Demand with a Redesigned Website
   Donet, McMillan & Trontz, P.A. Successfully Defend a Miami-Dade Police Officer
   Miami Criminal Lawyer, Larry McMillan, Receives Super Lawyer Status in Super Lawyers Magazine

Latest News
   Donet, McMillan & Trontz, P.A. Celebrate 21 Years of Successful Legal Defense

   A Life-Altering Road Rage Case and a Stand Your Ground Defense
   Alleged Miami Cocaine Trafficker Receives County Time
   Atlanta Woman Charged with Simple Battery Wins at Trial
   Broward County Judge Dismisses DUI Case
   Career Criminal Facing 40 Years In Prison Found Not Guilty
   Charge of Lewd & Lascivious Battery on a Child Dropped, Allowing Client to Avoid Prison and Designation as a Sexual Offender
   Client Charged in Miami Cocaine and MDMA Trafficking Case Receives 180 Day County Sentence
   Client Charged in Miami Cocaine Trafficking Case Has Charge Reduced and Pleads to Credit Time Served
   Client Charged in Miami Marijuana Trafficking Case Acquitted of all Charges
   Client Charged in Miami Marijuana Trafficking Case Receives Credit Time Served
   Client Charged with Burglary with an Assault and Battery has Charges Dismissed
   Client Charged with Heroin Trafficking Spared over Twenty (20) Years in Prison
   Client Charged with Miami Armed Trafficking in Cocaine Case Sentenced to Five Years Probation
   Client Facing 20 Years in Miami Cocaine Trafficking Case Sentenced to 24 Months
   Client Facing 60 years in Miami Marijuana Trafficking Case Receives a 5 Month Sentence
   Client Facing Life In Prison For Kidnapping And Sexual Battery Accepts Plea To Misdemeanor With Short Period Of Probation
   Client has Miami Money Laundering Charges Dismissed
   Client Wins at Trial in Federal Cocaine Trafficking Case
   Clients Charged in Miami Mortgage Fraud Case Receive Probation
   Coast Guard Service Members have Charges Dropped Stemming from Miami Beach Arrests
   College Student Charged with Importation of Marijuana Receives 6 Month Sentence
   Criminal Charges And Domestic Violence Injunction Dropped Against Father Of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter And Pop Sensation Aaron C
   Defendant Who Attempted To Have Judge Killed Is Found Not Guilty
   Defense Lawyer Saves Client from Three Year Mandatory Prison Sentence for Operating a Miami Marijuana Grow House
   Driver Charged with DUI on Miami Beach Acquitted by Jury
   DUI Charge Dismissed against Coral Gables Driver
   Former Linebacker for the New York Giants, Lawrence Taylor, has Suspended License Charge Dismissed
   Judge Dismisses Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon Charge After Jury Trial
   Judge Dismisses Charges for Tampering with Evidence Against Miami Police Officer
   Judge Dismisses Injunction Against Domestic Violence And State Dismisses Battery Charge
   Jury Finds Driver Charged with DUI Not Guilty
   Jury Finds Man Charged with Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer Not Guilty
   Man Avoids Arrest for Rape and Sexual Assault on a Cruise Ship
   Miami Boater Accused of BUI at Columbus Day Regatta has Charges Dismissed
   Miami Clinic Owner Accepts Pre-Trial Diversion (PTI) Resulting in a Dismissal of Criminal Charges
   Miami Domestic Violence Client Wins at Trial
   New York Resident Charged with Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Traffic in Cocaine Goes Home with a Dismissal
   Prosecutor Decides to Drop Miami Mortgage Fraud Charges
   Prosecutor Drops Cocaine and Marijuana Sale Charges Punishable By 15 Year Prison Sentence to Misdemeanors
   Sexual Battery Suspect Has Charge Dismissed
   State Attorney's Office Dismisses Miami Cocaine Trafficking Case
   State Attorney's Office Drops All Charges Against U.S. Army Soldier
   Suspected Armed Robber Released from Jail and Miami Prosecutor Drops Charges
   University of Miami Student Exonerated of all Charges
   Wife Arrested for Battery Prevails in Criminal Case
   Woman Charged in Miami Money Laundering Case Has Charges Dismissed

   $1M of illegal fireworks seized in miami gardens
   23 Years of Military Law Experience Helped Us Protect a Coast Guard Veteran's Career from an Unjust Court-Martial in Miami
   5 Arrests made in international burglary ring that targeted south florida
   A guide to probation violations
   A Miami Criminal Defendant Goes to Trial for Extortion: What Happens Next?
   A miami criminal lawyer can successfully run a practice solely defending fraud cases
   A new defense to miami cocaine trafficking cases
   A Pre-Trial Filing Defense Helped Our Client Get His Case Dismissed Before Arraignment
   A Sex Crime Accusation Could Have Destroyed Our Client's Life. Learn How Our Defense Lawyers Got the Charge Dismissed.
   A Young Man Charged with Vehicular Homicide Traffic Crime in Miami-Dade County Serves No Jail Time
   According to chief, city seeing a decrease in crime
   Accountant to enter guilty plea to fraud charges
   Advice from a miami dui lawyer - what to do if stopped by a police officer
   Alleged head of cocaine trafficking ring held without bail
   Alleged University of Miami 'Fondler' arrested
   Another day another medicare fraud bust
   Another judge finds florida drug laws unconstitutional
   Are Juveniles Transferred to Adult Court Receiving More Incarceration Time than Adults? Analysis from Your Miami Criminal Defense Attorneys
   Area Teen Arrested on Murder and Carjacking Charges
   Armed robbery at Miami Walgreens turns into shootout
   Army general facing court-martial
   Arrested in miami advice from a miami criminal defense lawyer
   Arrests made at MIA for cocaine and heroin trafficking
   Ask a Miami Criminal Defense Attorney: How Does Florida Handle Domestic Violence Charges?
   Attorney General Announces Arrests of Miami Health Care Workers For Paying Kickbacks in Medicaid Fraud Case
   Attorney General wants changes to federal drug sentences
   Attorney lobbies for juvenile offenders
   Bail skippers not pursued
   Bailiff in hot water amid allegations of misconduct
   Bank pays hefty fines to avoid prosecution
   Bank Robberies Across Nation Decline Despite Recession
   Bankers meet to discuss money laundering
   Beach Cop arrested on racketeering charges
   Beach cops and cameras dont mix
   Beehive Thefts in Florida Could Result in Grand Theft Charges for Suspects
   Bills submitted to eliminate minimum mandatory sentences on drug trafficking cases
   Boot camp closing its doors
   Boston developer arrested for miami organized scheme to defraud
   Broward County burglary suspect charged with racketeering and money laundering
   Broward county man arrested on child pornography charges
   Broward law enforcement hiring private labs to test dna
   Broward Lawyer Contemplating Plea Agreement
   Broward lawyer has not entered plea agreement
   Broward Lawyer Provides Economic Windfall for Other South Florida Lawyers
   Broward sheriffs search for two men seen attaching card skimmer at atm
   BSO Detectives Arrest Deputies Who Now Face Federal Charges for Misuse of PPP Loans
   Can a Sex Offender Record be Expunged?
   Can I learn the identity of a condifential informant?
   Can The Court Change Your Bail? Miami Criminal Defense Attorneys Explain.
   Can you possess a firearm in florida if you have a criminal record?
   Can your stuff be auctioned off if you're convicted?
   Caribbean drug trafficking routes back in play
   Changes in the law could subject cubans to deportation
   Chief operating officer at rothstein firm charged in federal court
   Child Pornography Charges Could Be Dismissed
   Child sexual assault victim moves next to alleged abuser
   City Cop Set for Federal Drug Trial
   Clinic consultant convicted on medicare fraud charges
   Clinic operators convicted in miami medicare fraud scam
   Coast guard interdiction nabs sub
   Cocaine trafficking cartels move from latin america to africa
   Cocaine trafficking kingpin appears in federal court
   Cocaine trafficking kingpin sentenced in miami federal court
   Cocaine trafficking kingpin sentenced in new york federal court
   Cold Case in Coral Gables: Can This Violent Crime Charge Be Proven Beyond a Reasonable Doubt after 40 Years?
   College basketball player opts for pre-trial diversion
   College student arrested on robbery and sex offenses
   College students and their run-ins with the law
   Columbian cocaine trafficking kingpin sentenced to prison
   Columbian kingpin pleads guilty in miami cocaine trafficking case
   Commissioner Jose Pepe Diaz pleads not guilty to DUI
   Computer hacker sentenced to twenty years for credit card fraud
   Con man receives 100 year sentenced for miami scheme to defraud
   Congress proposing new legislation to battle medicare fraud
   Congressman seeks to pass new immigration law
   Constitutionality of state drug laws going to supreme court
   Convicted drug trafficker seeking sentence reduction
   Convicted killer facing new murder charge pleads guilty in miami medicare fraud case
   Convicted rapist stands trial for murdering wife
   COP App Is Here: Will This Anonymous Tip System Lead to Good Convictions for Miami-Dade?
   Coral gables patient brokers indicted a second time
   Court appointed defense lawyers take big pay cut
   Court officials concerned about budget cuts
   Court system burdening local jails as well as tax payers
   Credit card fraud arrests in south florida increasing
   Crime Rate Drops in Miami-Dade County
   Criminal Convicted of First Degree Murder in Florida Court with Only Circumstantial Evidence. How Did They Get the Charges to Stick?
   Criminal Extradition Warrant: Understanding the Process, Challenges, and Implications
   Cruise lines providing more crime data
   Cruise lines under scrutiny
   Cuban refugees dominate miami marijuana trafficking rings
   Customers take down armed robber at Coral Gables Store
   Customs Crisis: Can a Border Agent Legally Search Your Phone?
   Davie man arrested for involvement in miami medicare fraud ring
   Davie man arrested on 144 counts of child pornography
   Defendant charged with attempted murder of LEO held without bail
   Defendant charged with medicare fraud sentenced in federal court
   Defendant enters guilty plea to massive heathcare fraud
   Defendant sentenced to 8 years in miami medicare fraud case
   Defendant sentenced to maximum for theft of patient records
   Defending Against a Florida Domestic Violence Injunction Violation: Exposing the Flaws in the System
   Department of justice fights tax fraud
   DeSantis Directs Supreme Court to Adopt Uniform Bond Schedule
   DeSantis Signs Off on New Drug Laws
   Different approach to fighting miami drug crimes
   Disbarred lawyer faces charges in federal court
   DMT Featured on A&E: A Life-Altering Road Rage Case and a Stand Your Ground Defense
   DMT Law Invites You to a Fundraising Reception to Keep Judge Lody Jean
   DNA evidence in miami criminal investigations
   DNA leads to arrest of a man accused of sexual battery
   Doctor and assistants sentenced in miami medicare fraud case
   Dolphin player arrested on domestic violence charges
   Dolphins player victim of domestic violence
   Domestic violence charges in miami
   Don't Consent to a Warrantless Search, Don't Use a Golf Cart as a Getaway Vehicle, and Other Florida Criminal Defense Tips
   Donet, McMillan & Trontz P.A Invites You to a Fundraiser To Keep Judge Chiaka Ihekwaba
   Doral implementing measures to fight property crimes
   Dozens arrested for medicare fraud in south florida
   Dozens arrested in medicare fraud case
   Dozens Arrested in South Florida in $20 Million Organized Retail Theft Scheme to Defraud
   Dozens of arrests at ultra music festival
   Dozens of arrests made at ultra music festival
   Drastic changes for dui cases
   Driving with Your Spouse's Prescription Can Lead to a Felony Arrest in Broward County
   Drug bust at miami market yields 4 arrests
   Drug court for veterans open for business
   Drug Crime Laws Declared Unconstitutional by Federal Judge
   Drug Crime Scare: Illegal Grow House Trafficking Charges Dismissed by Miami Criminal Lawyers!
   Drug dealers arrested in broward county
   Drug sales becoming a problem at universities
   Drug trafficking arrest results from traffic stop
   Drug Trafficking Charges Dropped! Our Client Gets Probation Instead of 20 Years in Federal Prison
   Drug trafficking extraditions from Mexico continue
   Drug trafficking in prescription medications a new south florida problem
   Ducks Attacked a Local Man, What Are His Rights? A Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer's Perspective
   Dui manslaughter trial to begin in palm beach
   Duo who stole jewelry from art gallery signed guestbook
   Eight arrests made for mortgage fraud
   Ex cop takes plea to reduced charge
   Ex dolphin arrested for marijuana possession
   Ex-FOREX Trader Enters Not Guilty Plea in South Florida Federal Court
   Ex-miami ice agent prosecuted and sentenced for obstruction and receiving kickbacks
   Ex-police officer acquitted in miami cocaine trafficking case
   Examining a Florida Case with Serious Charges: DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide
   Except for miami mortgage fraud crimes not investigated or prosecuted by the state of florida
   Expert Insights into Federal White-Collar Criminal Defense: A Comprehensive Guide
   Family members arrested for marijuana trafficking
   FBI Investigating Police Officers Involved in Bookmaking
   Fbi makes arrests in 'pirate towing' scheme involving miami police
   Federal authorities bust marijuana trafficking rings
   Federal court of appeals rules in favor of miami criminal lawyer
   Federal government finally charges south florida lawyer
   Federal Government Implements New Regulations to Counter Medicare Fraud
   Federal Government to Take Swift Legal Action Against Stimulus Fraud
   Federal judge dismisses charges against stanford shredders
   Federal judge sentences patient recruiters
   Federal public defender's offices face budget cuts
   Feds arrest 109 in irs identity theft crackdown
   Feds arrest alleged mafia member on miami beach
   Feds arrest cops for identity theft and tax refund fraud
   Feds arrest local mayor on mortgage fraud charges
   Feds charge 20 south florida residents with mortgage fraud
   Feds charge miami man in largest case of identity theft and credit card fraud
   Feds conduct another mortgage fraud crackdown
   Feds create task force to combat cyber crimes
   Feds keep pressure on medicare fraud suspects
   Feds launch medicare anti fraud system
   Feds Progress Against Medicare Fraud Stalling
   Feds seize $5 billion in illegal drugs last year
   Five arrests made for insurance fraud
   Florida Cracking Down on Retail Theft and Porch Piracy
   Florida Criminal Traffic Fatality Investigations
   Florida governor wants to repeal drug trafficking law
   Florida has more than 13K untested rape kits
   Florida judge reverses verdict in sexual predator case
   Florida Law does not permit marijuana possession for medical reasons
   Florida lawyer finally sentenced on fraud charges
   Florida legislators propose changes to jury composition
   Florida legislature passes law affecting convicted sex offenders
   Florida legislature reacts to anthony trial
   Florida legislature to evaluate sexual predator laws
   Florida man uses fake film agency to lure young girls
   Florida State of Emergency: How Much Power Does the State Have?
   Florida supreme renders opinion on miami marijuana possession case
   Florida Woman does meth, then eats at Wal-Mart
   Florida's Drug Laws at Risk
   Florida's Severe Penalties on Contraband Prescription Drugs
   Forensic accountant enters not guilty plea in federal court
   Former army sergeant sentenced on child pornography charges
   Former ci set to be sentenced for credit card fraud and identity theft
   Former client of miami criminal lawyer held without bail
   Former cop arrested for marijuana trafficking
   Former cop sentenced in miami ecstasy case
   Former county employees arrested for fraud
   Former GOP head indicted on felony charges
   Former ice agent indicted on cocaine trafficking charges
   Former ice agent pleads guilty to assisting cocaine traffickers
   Former Member of Cali Cartel Sentenced
   Former miami criminal court judge faces new charges
   Former miami dea boss surrenders to federal authorities
   Former miami dea chief may have charge dismissed
   Former miami dolphin lawrence phillips convicted in domestic violence case
   Former NFL and college players enter pleas in federal court
   Former nfl star arrested on miami beach for battery
   Former school athletic director charged with additional sex crimes
   Former stanford employees lose motion to dismiss
   Former Trafficker Charged with Medicare Fraud
   Four south florida residents convicted on mortgage fraud related charges
   Four south florida residents indicted for mortgage fraud
   Fourteen indicted on identity theft charges
   Fraud schemes quadruple in 2009
   Ft. lauderdale law firm employees hire south florida and miami criminal lawyers
   Ft. Lauderdale Lawyer Pleads Guilty in Federal Court
   Fugitives from Law Enforcement Flock to Miami and South Florida
   Gang related violent crimes on the rise in Kendall
   Girlfriend Admits to Police that She Beat Up Former NFL Star. What Could Happen to Her in Florida Court?
   Glamorous women involved in cocaine trafficking ring
   Golden beach police officers arrested for theft and fraud
   Good deed nearly gets teen killed in Coral Gables
   Government dismisses charges against miami criminal lawyer
   Gps tracking requires a warrant says supreme court
   Grand Theft of a Backhoe Leads to Wild, 20 MPH Police Chase on the Seven Mile Bridge
   Handling Felony and Misdemeanor Drug Charges: What Can We Learn from this Dolphins Player's Arrest?
   Harsh sentencing laws getting a second look in florida
   Head fbi agent testifies before congress
   Healthcare fraud charges in miami
   Healthcare operators plead guilty to $60 million healthcare fraud
   Heat player arrested on felony marijuana charges
   Hialeah man sentenced to 30 year prison term
   High unemployment leads to increased health insurance fraud
   Hit and run driver sentenced to jail
   Hollywood police officers involved in cover-up
   Homeland security now linked to florida jails
   Homestead man held without bond on child abuse case
   Homestead man pleads guilty to dui manslaughter charges
   Hotline being used to combat medicare fraud
   How Do Florida State Courts and Federal Courts Prosecute Possession of Child Pornography? A Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer's Insight
   How Do Police Investigate a Grow House, and Other Marijuana Trafficking Drug Crimes, in Miami?
   How Does a Defendant's Mental Health Affect His Criminal Case?
   How Is Credit Card Fraud Punished in Florida Court? A Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer's Perspective
   How Serious Are Solicitation of Prostitution Charges in the State of Florida?
   How to Maintain a Clean Criminal Record after an Ultra Music Festival Arrest
   Hundreds of arrests made during urban beach week
   Husband suspected of murder, questioned and released
   ICE arrests 36 aliens in Gulf Coast Operation
   Identity theft being investigated by law enforcement
   Immigration and customs enforcement makes nearly 600 arrests
   Immigration arrests illegal immigrants in south florida
   Immigration authorities arrest thousands
   Immigration authorities make 3,000 arrests
   Immigration snags illegal foreign nationals
   Individuals convicted of sex offenses subject to faulty bans
   Insurance adjusters arrested on racketeering charges
   Insurance fraud arrests made in south florida
   Internet causing ethical problems for miami judges
   IRS losing money to identity theft
   Is Charlie Sheen HIV positive?
   Is It Illegal to Video Record Someone Without Their Permission?
   Is Possession of a Firearm a Felony or Misdemeanor?
   Is Possession of Marijuana a Misdemeanor or a Felony?
   Is the Florida Stand Your Ground Law A Good Defense For This Road Rage Shooter? Ask a Miami Criminal Defense Attorney
   Jamaican founder of marijuana and cocaine trafficking ring dies
   Jamaican government agrees to extradite cocaine trafficking kingpin
   Judge denies motion for new trial for convicted cops
   Judge hands down 40 year sentence in murder case
   Judge hands down controversial sentence
   Judge hears motion to suppress in marijuana trafficking case
   Judge overturns dui manslaughter conviction
   Jury convicts man for the murder of his wife
   Jury recommends death sentence for coconut grove man
   Jury selection begin in murder retrial
   Justice department implements new tools to fight white-collar crime
   Justice system fails
   Key witness faints during marijuana trafficking sentencing hearing
   Larry McMillan Invites You to a Fundraising Reception To Support the Honorable Judge Nushin G Sayfie
   Law enforcement arrest dozen in marijuana trafficking sweep
   Law office of south florida lawyer raided by feds
   Lawyer wears wire attempting to catch other lawyer
   Lawyer's assistant sentenced in federal court on fraud charges
   Legal Consequences of Drug Trafficking: Learn from Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers
   Legislators re-thinking stand your ground
   Life sentence no death penalty for defendant
   Like santa, mortgage fraud task force comes to town
   Local community seeks to decriminalize marijuana possession
   Local cop facing federal drug charges
   Local cops again under the microscope
   Local cops arrested
   Local couple arrested for child neglect
   Local Crime Lab Suspends DNA Testing. What Does This Mean for Defendants in Broward County?
   Local doctor charged with medicare fraud
   Local doctor sentenced to 20 years for medicare
   Local governments generate revenue through forfeitures
   Local law enforcement still making insurance fraud arrests
   Local man sentenced for 2007 violent crimes
   Local man sentenced to 40 years on sexual battery charges
   Local millionaire arrested by feds for fraud
   Local police officer arrested for violating domestic violence injunction
   Local politician enters not guilty plea to new charge
   Local public school teacher charged with DUI
   Local resident arrested for lewd and lascivious molestation
   Local resident arrested on drug trafficking charges
   Mafia now involved in miami medicare fraud
   Man accused of operating miami grow houses and cultivating marijuana
   Man arrested on murder and sexual battery charges
   Man beats boy aboard cruise ship over lewd remark to niece
   Man charged in miami armed robbery of two south florida businesses
   Man convicted in miami medicare fraud case murdered after serving prison time
   Man denied request for re-trial in miami dui manslaughter case
   Man Released On Federal Cocaine Trafficking Charge
   Man sentenced in miami marijuana trafficking case
   Man sentenced to 22 years for medicare fraud
   Man tries to molest girl at Miami Beach portable bathroom
   Margate Man Accused of Luring and Enticing a Child. What Should He Expect in Florida Court?
   Marijuana Possession Legal on South Beach
   Marijuana Trafficking Arrests Increase In Central Florida
   Medicare fraud case lands another south florida resident in prison
   Medicare fraud case lands three family members in prison
   Medicare fraud suspects rounded up in miami
   Medicare fraud task force keeps promise: 30 arrests made
   Medicare fraud task forces set to expand, supported by congress
   Medicare fraud under attack to pay for reforms
   Medicare fraud: A continuing problem
   Miami baggage handlers videoed stealing from passengers' baggage
   Miami bank robber arrested by the FBI
   Miami beach developer facing criminal arrest
   Miami Bodybuilders Accused of Starving Horses
   Miami commissioner to resign amid investigation
   Miami criminal attorney representing the tamiami strangler files appeal
   Miami criminal cases are on the decline
   Miami criminal defense lawyer arrested in oxycodone sting
   Miami criminal defense lawyer convinces prosecutors to cut haitian cocaine trafficker's sentence
   Miami criminal lawyer cannot spare former wildlife officer from long prison sentence
   Miami criminal lawyer facing appellate court decision
   Miami criminal lawyer represents miami beach man in federal weapons case
   Miami criminal lawyer to argue self defense in stabbing case
   Miami criminal lawyer works out battery charge
   Miami criminal lawyers seek dismissal in shredding case
   Miami doctor pleads guilty to manslaughter
   Miami doctors under investigation by federal government
   Miami gang members busted in south florida probe
   Miami Is a Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
   Miami judge issues temporary restraining order against political activist
   Miami judge removes himself from obstruction of justice case
   Miami man arrested for bringing gun to Disney World
   Miami Man Held Without Bond in Medicare Fraud Case
   Miami man receives prison sentence for tax fraud
   Miami marijuana trafficker sentenced to 35 years in state prison
   Miami marijuana trafficking family sentenced to prison
   Miami medicare fraud being examined by the federal government
   Miami medicare fraud defendants sentenced to jail
   Miami Medicare Fraud Fugitive Apprehended in Mexico
   Miami medicare fraud suspected in diabetes care
   Miami Mental Health Facility To Open Soon
   Miami mortgage fraud arrests made in south florida
   Miami mortgage fraud task force leading the way
   Miami murder suspect enters plea In criminal court
   Miami Resident Enters Guilty Plea in Medicare Fraud Case
   Miami sex offenders to be relocated
   Miami sexual assault in local day care center results in civil suit
   Miami sexual battery suspect held in custody in los angeles
   Miami springs police sergeant arrested by fbi on federal corruption charge
   Miami teen accused of killing homeless man
   Miami woman arrested for marijuana and cocaine trafficking
   Miami-Dade County Amends Local Sex Offender Laws
   Miami-Dade County Credit Card and Gas Scheme Results in Felony Charges on the State and Federal Level
   Miami-Dade County Pursued the Maximum Sentence Against Our Client. Find Out How an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer Got All His Charges Dismissed.
   Miami-Dade Courts Work To Safely Re-Open After Shut Downs
   Miami-Dade Criminal Defense Attorneys Notice an Increase in Road Rage Cases
   Miami-dade man appears in federal court accused of terrorist ties
   Miami-dade man sentenced to prison for internet fraud
   Miami-dade police officers face federal indictment
   Minor cocaine trafficking suspects extradited from columbia to miami
   Misdemeanor or Felony? A Criminal Defense Lawyer's Analysis of Public Paintball Shootings in Miami Gardens
   Money Laundering or Legitimate Business?
   More arrests made in another miami mortgage fraud scheme
   More miami medicare fraud arrest made
   Mortgage fraud causes legislature to tighten licensing rules
   Mortgage fraud linked to marijuana trafficking cases
   Mortgage fraud still on the rise
   Mortgage fraud task force continues crackdown
   Most PPP Fraud Cases Result in Guilty Pleas Due to Paper Trails, a Florida Criminal Lawyer Explains
   Mother charged with manslaughter for child's death
   Mother gets probation in case involving son's death
   Motion to dismiss murder case denied
   Motions to dismiss drug charges denied across the state
   Moving shipments becoming a difficult task for cocaine traffickers
   Multiple doctors arrested on oxycodone charges
   Multiple people charged in steroid scandal
   Murder trial begins for coral gables student
   Museum to recognize south florida's criminal history
   Narcotics detectives still taking down grow houses
   New Bail Laws Holding Up Miami Jails
   Nine people charged in complex miami mortgage fraud scheme
   Noriega seeks to block extradition to france
   Noriega's extradition fight ends without success
   Noted miami fraud investigator challenges IRS
   Numerous fraud arrests made statewide
   Numerous people arrested for money laundering
   Numerous students arrested on miami weapons charges
   Our Client Was Under Investigation from Miami's Internal Affairs Division. Learn How Expert Criminal Defense Attorneys Helped Him Stay Out of Trouble
   Owners of home health care companies plead guilty to fraud charges
   Oxycodone more of a problem than cocaine in south florida
   Oxycodone trafficking crackdown appears to be working
   Palm beach county woman faces up to 20 years in flakka case
   Parents arrested after authorities find children living in filth
   Parents can be convicted of kidnapping
   Pastor and wife found guilty in miami mortgage fraud scheme
   Pastor begins trial for miami fraud charges
   People Are Dumping Garbage Illegally after Hurricane Irma. What Consequences Might They Face If They Are Caught?
   Pharmacies targeted for oxycodone trafficking
   Photo line ups are flawed
   Pilot mental health program new to miami criminal courts
   Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong: Practicing Medicine Without a License Is One of the Most Common White Collar Crimes in Miami-Dade County
   Plea accepted by miami man in credit card fraud case
   Police arrest former model wanted for cocaine trafficking
   Police departments lack money for training
   Police Investigating Inmate Death
   Police Officer Arrested on Extortion Charges
   Police officer charged with miami fraud and conspiracy
   Police officer charged with robbery
   Police officers and lawyers indicted on mortgage fraud charges
   Police operation cracks down on miami drug offenses
   Ponzi schemes targeted by federal government
   Possession of Child Pornography is No Joke
   Pot hidden in barbie box
   Pre trial release programs benefit defendants and taxpayers
   President Trump Takes Office: What Are the Immigration Consequences?
   Principal stands trial for sex offense coverup
   Prison guards busted in cocaine trafficking ring
   Prison populations in Florida continue to grow
   Pro-Palestine Rallies Have Arrived at Florida Universities
   Program Benefits UM Students
   Proposal seeks to reduce youth arrests
   Prosecution gets manslaughter conviction
   Prosecutors get verdict on 17 year-old murder case
   Protect Your Hard-Earned Money from Illegal Seizure
   Puerto rico to miami cocaine trafficking ring busted
   Reggae singer arrested in cocaine trafficking sting
   Reggae Star Held Without Bail On Cocaine Trafficking Charges
   Regional Director of Florida Immigration seeking to deport felons
   Removing an Ankle Monitor, and Why It's a Bad Idea for Defendants in Miami-Dade County
   Rental Properties in South Florida Used as Marijuana Grow Houses
   Retired cop charged with child porn and molestation
   Ring involved in miami drug trafficking busted
   Road Rage Incident in Miami-Dade Leads to Felony Assault Charges for Our Client. Could Our Attorneys Make a Jury See that There Was No Evidence?
   Sanford case may affect self-defense across the state
   Scam artist sentenced to 115 months on fraud charges
   Second week of jury selection begins in zimmerman case
   Selecting the Best Criminal Lawyer for Your Case
   Self defense case investigated by local authorit
   Self-defense stand your ground law under the microscope
   Senior citizens now involved in medicare fraud investigations
   Senior non commissioned officer wins court martial
   Sentences handed down in $45 million medicare fraud scheme
   Series of tax fraud cases to be filed in federal court
   Several miami residents arrested for credit card fraud
   Sex Offender Registration What It Is How It Affects Your Life
   Smuggling arrests made in puerto rico
   Social Media Can Hurt Your Case! Advice from Your Miami Criminal Defense Attorneys
   South beach bartender charged with dui manslaughter
   South florida couple arrested for bilking hotel
   South florida defendant sentenced in medicare fraud case
   South florida doctors arrested for trafficking oxycodone
   South florida gangs committing identity theft
   South florida lawyer sentenced in federal court
   South florida lawyers scheme to defraud may exceed $1 billion
   South florida man arrested in identity theft case
   South Florida Man Charged with Grand Theft of a Maserati. Can a Skilled Miami Defense Lawyer Help Him Out?
   South florida man receives 30 year sentence for child internet porn
   South florida resident charged with credit card fraud in tampa area
   South Florida resident enters guilty plea to healthcare fraud charges
   South florida residents sentenced in miami wire fraud and alien smuggling case
   South florida school employee arrested in miami credit card fraud case
   South florida sees decline in violent crimes
   South florida task force makes several arrests
   South florida woman charged with mortgage fraud
   South florida woman jailed for medicare fraud
   South florida women arrested for visa fraud
   Sports donor charged in multi million dollar fraud
   State attorney's office creates mortgage fraud unit
   State attorney's office drop gun charge against cop
   State attorneys office re-files charges against mother and son
   Suburban mother admits to stealing thousands of credit card numbers
   Supreme court finds dog sniff unconstitutional
   Supreme court grants immigration relief
   Supreme court may hear florida dog sniffing case
   Supreme court overturns murder conviction
   Supreme Court rules drug laws are constitutional
   Supreme Court to hear drug-sniffing cases next week
   Suspect arrested in fatal miami bar shooting
   Suspended miami criminal lawyer target of mortgage fraud lawsuit
   Sweetwater police officer faces fraud and identity theft charges
   Tainted confessions end up in long prison sentences
   Tampa takes lead as staged accident insurance fraud capital
   Tampa takes over as staged accident capital
   Teen accused of killing 10-year-old boy appears in miami-dade court
   Teen arrested in miami attempted murder case
   Teens charged with attempted murder for setting boy on fire
   Ten people charged in multi-million dollar miami mortgage fraud scheme
   Ten south florida residents arrested for marijuana trafficking
   The Challenges of Facing Misdemeanor Charges Without Legal Representation
   The Complex Field of Drug Possession and Drug Trafficking Cases in Florida
   The Legalities of Search and Seizure on a Traffic Stop
   The Purpose of Plea Bargaining and Why It Works
   The Youthful Offender Act Provides Protection to Young Offenders
   Thousands of broward and miami dui cases could be in jeopardy
   Three local cops fired, but not charged with criminal offenses
   Too many arrest warrants in south florida
   Tourists beware
   Trial begins for man accused of murdering his mother
   Trial begins for South Florida police officers
   Twin teenage girls shot during north miami drive-by
   Two local mayors arrested by feds
   Two men arrested in illegal slaughter house case
   Two sisters arrested simultaneously for dui
   Two south florida doctors convicted in miami medicare fraud case
   Two Teens Arrested for Burglary of 100 Cars. Are Juvenile Proceedings a Possibility?
   Two Theft Result in Vigilante-style Arrest. What Will the Defendant Face in Miami Criminal Court?
   U.S. House of Representatives Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill
   Um football player arrested in coconut grove
   Understanding Your Rights If You Are Accused of Video Voyeurism
   Update on County Criminal Court Schedule and Procedures in Florida
   US Supreme Court Rules Before Florida Supreme Court on Retro-Activity of Padilla
   Video surveillance a useful tool
   War against mortgage fraud may be failing
   What Are Drug Crimes, and How Should a Criminal Defense Attorney Handle Them?
   What Are My Rights Regarding Forced Quarantine by State and Federal Government?
   What Are the Different Types of Embezzlement?
   What Are the Pros and Cons of Plea Bargaining?
   What Are the Sentences for Drugs in Florida?
   What Are the Three Most Common Types of Injunctions?
   What Charges Can Be Filed When Eluding Law Enforcement?
   What Constitutes a Domestic Violence Charge?
   What Crimes Can Be Expunged?
   What Crimes Can You Be Extradited For?
   What Does a Criminal Lawyer Do?
   What Happens If You Are Suspected of Money Laundering?
   What Happens When You Impersonate a US Marshal and Conduct Your Own Narcotics Sting?
   What is Considered a Violent Crime?
   What Is Considered Medicare Fraud?
   What Is Cyber Crime Law?
   What Is Cyberstalking?
   What Is Domestic Violence?
   What is the Charge of a Fake Driver's License in Florida?
   What is the difference between a misdemeanor and felony in Florida?
   What is the Meaning of Passport Fraud?
   What is the Penalty for Boating Under the Influence in Florida?
   What Is the Penalty for Workers' Compensation Fraud? A Detailed Examination
   What Should a Criminal Defense Lawyer Consider When Defending a Sexual Battery Charge in Florida?
   What Should I Do if I've Been Charged With Paycheck Fraud?
   What to Do If You Are Facing Deportation for Illegal Immigration
   When a Hialeah Police Officer Investigated Our Client, We Investigated the Police
   Why Are Drug Possession Charges So Serious in Miami?
   Wide receiver arrested and loses job
   Wife of dolphins cornerback arrested in stadium lot
   Youth baseball coach accused of molestation again
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